You’ll be running BUSCO. You may or may not find this useful: http://busco.ezlab.org/

  1. Setup your computer like you did in lab 7. _______ 5 points

  1. Install BUSCO and augustus as per lab 7. _______ 5 points

  1. Download an assembly dataset located here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/reference_assemblies/Phidippus/transcriptome/spider.Trinity.fasta . _________________ 5 points

  1. Run BUSCO (this will take ~17 minutes) and report the BUSCO scores. 15 points

  1. You have another assembly that scores C:66%[D:19%],F:5.4%,M:28.4%,n:843. Based on these scores, is your assembly better that this one. Why or why not?