EXAM 2 -Practice

To help you prepare for the exam practical, let’s do a mock exam. These are the types of questions I will ask you during the exam. I will give you points for each section, with the idea that I have to help you get past a particular section, you lose those points, but if you can do the rest of the steps, you can still get credit for that.

  1. Launch a c4.2xlarge instance with an additional 100Gb HD. _______ 5 points

  1. Update your machine and install the software using apt-get just like we did in lab 6. _________ 5 points

  1. Download the paired end read dataset located here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/gen711/SRR1732744_1.fastq.gz and https://s3.amazonaws.com/gen711/SRR1732744_2.fastq.gz. _________________ 5 points

  1. Trim at Phred2, error correct using Rcorrector, and assemble using Trinity. 10 points

  1. Run Transrate as we did in lab 6, and report the transrate optimal score. _______________ 15 points